Food vendors
From Plano AsiaFest Information
Thank you for your interest in serving food at Plano AsiaFest! We are always looking for more food vendors, as we pride our festival on providing a diversity of cuisine in the spirit of Asian American cultural heritage.
According to the Plano Police Department's estimates, Plano AsiaFest draws 10,000 attendees every year. We provide a wonderful opportunity for you to gain maximal business.
- Your own source of power, likely from a generator. Please inform us if you will be using more than 1,500 watts of power.
- Insurance.
- Food handling certification from the City of Plano. (More information:
Food Vendor Form (Online Google Forms)
Note: In the event the below requirements conflict with the food vendor form requirements, the food vendor form prevails.
- The cost of each 10x10’ food booth at the Festival is $350 of which $50 is refundable with proof of a thorough clean up at the end of the Festival and absence of substantiated complaints for non-acceptance of food coupons. The Festival will not require a percentage of your proceeds.
- Hours of Operation are 10:30 AM to 5 PM on the day of the Festival.
- All setup of the booth must be complete for City Health Inspection by 10 AM on the day of the Festival.
- The Vendor is responsible for obtaining and abiding by any and all necessary health permits and guidelines from the City of Plano. Contact: Plano Health Dept., 972-941-7143. Health Permit Deadline: April 2nd. For more information, please see
- Festival provides a Certificate of Flame Retardancy for all tents and canopies with the Special Events Permit. Flames from any cooking devices under tents must maintain a 10' clearance from flame to top, bottom, or side of tent. Festival provides one fire extinguisher for each cooking tent. Vendor must identify his/her operation as cooking or non-cooking. With only a few exceptions, the Health Department does not allow the cooking of raw meats at the Festival. In this context, cooking is the means of reheating food to a safe serving temperature. Contact: Plano Health Dept., 972-941-7143.
- Prior to the event, the City requires that all participating food vendors obtain and submit a Certificate of Insurance listing Celebrating Asian American Heritage Foundation as the certificate holder and Additional Insured on the day of the event. The Festival does NOT provide insurance for food vendor coverage in its Event Insurance. Each food vendor is responsible for their own insurance. Proof of Insurance should be mailed with the application form. MINIMUM LIMITS OF INSURANCE Vendors shall maintain limits no less than: Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, $2,000,000 Aggregate. NOTE: The aggregate loss limit applies to each event. The Festival, its officers, officials, and volunteers are to be covered as “additional insured” as respects: liability arising out of premises owned, occupied or used by the Vendor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Festival, its officers, officials, or volunteers. Each insurance policy required shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days’ prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. Vendor is required to submit original proof of insurance by April 2nd, 2025 on a form acceptable to the Festival. Certificates of Insurance similar to the ACORD form are acceptable. The Festival will not accept Memorandums of Insurance or Binders as proof of insurance. The Festival, at its own discretion, may require a copy of any policy presented to the Festival.
- [NEW IN 2023] If vendors do not have an alternative source of power (such as propane or power supplied from a food truck), then vendors must bring and use their own electrical generators. A 10x10’ booth, two tables, and two chairs will be provided by the Festival. Vendors shall assess and notify the Festival of their electricity requirements! Any electrical requirements over 1,500 Watts must be approved in advance.
- By signing this contract, the Vendor assumes liability in returning the tables and chairs reserved on their behalf. Vendors will be charged for lost tables and/or chairs. Vendors are at liberty to bring their own tables and chairs such that they remain within the 10x10’ booth confines.
- Location, content, and size of all signs of the Vendor shall be limited to the Vendor’s booth space. The signage should include any applicable sale tax.
- The Vendor is responsible for collecting and submitting all applicable taxes to the proper agencies.
- The Vendor shall not dispose of any wastewater or grease except through regular gray water or grease containers provided by the Festival.
- The Food Court Coordinator will pre-assign booth locations for the event – priority will be given to applications received on a first come first served basis.
- A copy of the menu should be mailed with the application. The menu should be displayed in the vendor’s booth space at the Festival.
- Itemized receipts must be provided to customers upon request. If it is determined by the Festival that you failed to provide receipts when requested, your $50 deposit will be forfeited.
Frequently asked questions
- What are the fees associated with selling food at the festival?
- We only have a $350 application fee, out of which $50 is refunded if you clean up correctly at the end of the festival and there are no verified complaints that you refused to accept valid AsiaFest food coupons. 100% of revenues you make at the festival go towards you.
- Do I have to comply with any specific requirements from the City of Plano?
- In Texas, food safety permits are regulated at the municipal level. Please see for more information about the City of Plano's food safety requirements, which all of our food vendors must meet.
- If I am just selling baked goods, do I still need a food permit?
- That depends. Please see Texas's cottage foods law on the Texas Department of State Health Services' website. The onus is on the vendor to convincingly establish their compliance with state law regarding food handling and food safety.
- Are there any other unique requirements?
- Plano AsiaFest reserves the right to issue food coupons to volunteers, performers, and other AsiaFest personnel. These food coupons must be accepted at face value. Exact change should be issued in cash. For instance, if a volunteer orders $5 worth of food and gives you two $3 coupons, you should give them a $1 bill as change. At the end of the festival, please submit them to us and you will be reimbursed for every coupon at face value. For instance, if you receive 100 $3 coupons and submit them to us for reimbursement, AsiaFest will reimburse you $300 via check when we refund you your deposit.
- Why are we required to provide receipts upon request?
- This is for the festival’s accounting purposes for any reimbursements we need to make to our staff for their food. If we receive substantiated complaints that receipts were not provided upon request, you will lose your $50 deposit.
- Can other vendors sell the same items as me?
- Plano AsiaFest aims to offer a diverse selection of food for our attendees. In that spirit, we do not maintain exclusivity agreements with any vendors and cannot guarantee that your food booth will be the only one selling that item at the festival. By applying, you agree to the possibility of other vendors selling the same or similar items as you. If you apply to sell at the festival and pay the fees, you will not be entitled to a refund.
- If the festival is postponed or canceled, do we get a refund?
- Force majeure events, acts of God, safety concerns, and other legitimate reasons for canceling the festival mean we are not obligated to issue refunds. This is because the festival has various nonrefundable deposits and fees we must pay in order for it to happen. Should we postpone or cancel the festival, we cannot recover those fees. While we make zero guarantees that the festival will or won't be canceled, we have only canceled the festival once: in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. In that case, we were able to cancel the festival early enough to issue everyone refunds. However, that was the exception, not the rule. To emphasize again: we are under no obligation to issue refunds.
- Can we come after 10:30am or leave before 5pm?
- We need all food vendors to arrive by 10:30am so the health inspectors can provide a final sign-off on your food truck or food tent. After 4:00pm, crowds tend to thin out, and at this point, we understand if you wish to leave early.
- Do we have to charge sales tax on our sales?
- Sales in the City of Plano are normally subject to 8.25% sales tax. Please visit the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts' website for further details: